Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Anne Fasanella will be doing a special free event by phone, 'GIVING THANKS' for Friendly Connections, of Greenwich, CT.on Friday NOVEMBER 7, 2008 at 11 AM from Westport, CT. She will discuss how we can enrich our lives, regardless of our circumstances, by learning to recognize and appreciate all that we have. Anne is the host of Friendly Connections popular Happiness Club, the first THURSDAY of every month doing a teleseminar with Fairfield County including the towns of Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, and Norwalk. She is also the facilitator for Annie's SING-A-LONG that enables a group of older adults to sing with a group of participants over the PHONE, twice a month over the phone. Call Friendly Connections for a free copy of Annie's Sing-A-LONG booklet for the words to more than 30 OLD classic songs to be sent to you. The dates for her NOVEMBER's Sing-A-LONG will be TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2008, VETERAN's DAY, at 2pm, and MONDAY NOVEMBER 24, 2008 at 3pm. All programs are free but you must call Friendly Connections, in Greenwich, CT to sign up. When it's time for the group to begin, they will connect you via telephone. All that is needed is a regular phone, or (cell phone). Best of all, there is no charge. Callers participate in interactive telephone groups and classes from the comfort of their own homes.

For more information or to participate, call : Darien (203) 656-1128, Greenwich (203) 661-8841, New Canaan (203) 996-2912 or Stamford, (203) 323-3792 Anne Fasanella, Annie's Creative Arts of Westport

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a few notes to share from my GIVING THANKS talk on 11.7.08

Would you like to count your blessings this month and for Thanksgiving?

*Decorate a special container, jar or can.

For the month of November, show your blessings and gratitude, by jotting down a note of thanks, or whenever something nice happens to you or any member of your household, family and/or friends, write it on a slip of paper. Place it into the special container.
*** Then,at the end of the day, or once a week,... at a gathering, meal, or on THANKSGIVING, or if you live alone, use the slips of paper to reflect and meditate your blessings.
***Take these 'attitudes of gratitude' to compose prayer.
Perhaps read them aloud, to remind yourself and everyone of ALL the things there are to be thankful for.

The best things in LIFE aren't things --- people like you!
Anne Fasanella 11.1.08