Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Guru Next Door

The Guru Next Door: A Teacher's Legacy by Wendy Dolber is a wonderful book that I recommend you read and learn from. Wendy had the good fortune of being next door neighbors with Bruce DiMarsico the creator of the Option Method. I love Bruce's work and have his book on my 20 best Happiness Book list on my website. This is a very rare opportunity to learn from one of the greatest happiness minds that ever lived. Bruce was ahead of his time and made things profoundly simple. Wendy gives us the gift of understanding Bruce's work from her great vantage point. This book has received endorsements (among many others) from Dr. Joe Vitale and Michael Neil, two really great authors of the happiness movement. In the beautiful words of Bruce DiMarsico, "There is no more loving vocation than to question unhappiness." Wendy has been invloved with Bruce's work since early in 1970. Bruce passed away in 1995. Deborah Mendel is the widow of Bruce DiMarsico and she recommends this book as well. The rest of us were not fortunate enough to live next to a truly happy teacher, so this book will bring you the happiness wisdom you need. With love, peace and happiness, Lionel Ketchian

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