Sunday, October 01, 2006

The mind-body connection of happiness

Humans Evolving On A Journey
To Be …at Peace
Neurophysiology of Happiness

Happiness is a discipline, a cultivation of behaviors and ways of thinking which promote health and the dissolution of ego. No object is perfect. They do not have in them the power or ability to give us lasting happiness or joy because they are finite and they are imperfect. We humans are infinite. Happiness is a state of mind, body and spirit in total alignment with the source of love; and in total detachment of the consciousness, of our own identity and pride.Everything (thought, feeling, action, perception) exists only because of the existence of its opposite. This diametric contrast influences our conscious identity and our ways of life. As light is made manifest by darkness, happiness by sadness, …the darker the night, the more brilliant the light.

Our human brain can be influenced to embrace a journey of mind-body and spiritual happiness, a personal journey to be… at peace.Welcome life and its prisms; listen, smell, taste, feel and see the colors and its contrasts, bringing ways for us to evolve beyond the form. Be present with it, come to be at peace with it, and continue co-creating your infinite self. As the artist who crafted each one of us, enjoy the process and let your intimate heart reveal its identity and source. Those who have known the deepest and most tragic sorrow are those who walk truly in gratitude for the relief of happiness which follows.

Conversations with Remarkable Elders: How we nurture happiness in our lives?
Roger, 80: I think that first we need to realize that life dishes out challenges to us all. How we deal with those challenges determines our state of mind. Learning to focus on a solution, rather than on the problem, forces us to have a more positive attitude.

Rose, 91: "Wear more happy colors, a very important thing when we dress. Ah! Remember to wear a smile on your face. It is charming and makes you popular."

Virginia, 94: All I can say about happiness is…"It is foolish not to be happy."

Social inclusion and creativity for elders.

Meaningful intergenerational programs.

Lucy, 89: "Let's vote for the happiest person in our community. Someone that shows good disposition, that helps others, someone that practices kindness, and possesses a good sense of humor."

Irene 94: "Don’t miss the boat and enjoy life, especially take the time to notice the small things."

John 81: "I have learned that with a positive mind and a kind heart, when I want something, all the universe conspires in helping me to achieve it."

Elizabeth 81: "The quest for wealth is just like happiness the more you chase it the less likely you are to find it. Perhaps if you stop chasing it so hard and stand still, then it might actually have chance of catching up with you…"

Jim: Let's read a good book.Kathy: Great idea Jim! I have brought today for you a wonderful book and I would like to read a couple of pages about Happiness, written by Robert Muller, "Most of All They Taught Me Happiness" ... Page 177, about "What Each One Of Us Is Doing For Peace? We always rely on others to work for PEACE, justice and a better world but, what are we doing, each one of us for PEACE?

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The mind-body connection of happiness

Science has leaped into the happiness field and now suggests that happiness (feeling good) resides in the left prefrontal cortex -- at least for "certain kinds of happiness". Subjects have reported a positive mood when their left prefrontal cortexes were active. Simultaneously, these subjects also showed lower levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal gland in response to stress. Inasmuch as cortisol is known to depress immune functions, it would appear that happiness is conducive to health. In another study, "babies with less activity in the left prefrontal cortex tend to cry when their mothers leave the room; those with more activity stay placid." For example, "heart-disease rates among men who called themselves optimistic were half the rates for men who didn't."

Optimists were also more resistant to premature mortality, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In fact, hopefulness, creativity and curiosity were found to "be protective against hypertension, diabetes and upper-respiratory infection." Norman Cousins, a famous journalist in the USA, who, in his 60's, cured himself of a potentially fatal illness by laughter. Do you remember his book The Anatomy of an Illness? Cousins, with his disease called, ankylising spondilitis, heard his life expectancy was almost none. Cousins checked himself out of the hospital and into a hotel with a private nurse to care for him. Incidentally, this worked out cheaper than a hospital.

So he spent what he thought would be his last months reading PG Wodehouse, watching funny movies, videos, reading funny books, listening to top humorists on tape and engaging in a continuous party. He believed the only thing to do was to spend every moment in bliss. He recovered from his illness and went back to work!Norman Cousins was made the first non-medical honorary president of the American Medical Association in one of the States. He was the first non-medical author to write a leading article in a major medical journal on his experience. He holds the only honorary medical degree awarded at Yale University School of Medicine.

"With a belly laugh the whole body is revitalized by internal massage of all the major organs." A phrase coined by Norman Cousins is Internal Jogging. He found that one 10-minute session of laughter could give him up to 2 hours of pain-free sleep.As we continue to explore the mind-body connection, we are beginning to see how tension caused by everyday worries and concerns can block the flow of healing energy that keeps us well. Then "Life Force Energy" is disrupted or weekend and emotional or health problems tend to occur. Imbalances can be caused from many situations occurring in our lives. Some are: emotional or physical trauma, injury, negative thoughts and feelings, including fear, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, negative self-talk, toxicity, nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyles and unhealthy relationships, neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others, from emotions that are not expressed in a healthy way.

The practice of happiness brings us vigor, good energy and a disposition towards life and as love, they help us to open doors, see possibilities and embrace opportunities to better our lives and the lives of others. Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey of the human being evolving, mirroring the divine essences of love present in all living things. Happiness is not a luxury, it is health and wellness. Health of the physical body, the bright eyes of a creative mind and the spiritual body in harmony with life.

Love and Happiness open doors where there seems no way. Nurturing happiness, moments of joy and opportunities to love and to be loved will help us expand winds of good energy, the "green" of our evolution and the maturity of our self.

Please send inquiries, requests for programs, speaker and consulting services to
Peace be with you!Kathy J. Ward
Universal Peace AmbassadorPresident of WEL,
World Elder Land™
Therapeutic Recreation Consultant
Cell: 240-393-5456
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